Our Advisory Board

Mr. Nasser Al Khori
-SPORTS EDUCATION ADVISORMr. Nasser Al Khori Executive Director – Generation Amazing, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) Nasser Al Khori leads the programmes at Generation Amazing, the human and social legacy initiative of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy for FIFA QATAR WORLD CUP 2022. Generation Amazing utilizes the transformative power of football as a tool for social development to empower and upskill youth in deprived communities globally, including refugee and IDP populations. Nasser’s role was instrumental to securing key partnerships with CONCACAF and IFRC. Nasser gained an extensive experience in the non-for-profit sector having previously part of the team that led the launch of Doha Debates and many more initiatives under Qatar Foundation. He holds an MBA in Educational Leadership from UCL’s Institute of Education and holds a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Ms. Dawn Taylor
- CHIEF ADVISORDawn Taylor is the Director of Challenge Innovate Grow Limited, an International Education Consultancy. With over 20 years of experience in education, she has worked with schools in UK, India and other nations to design strategies for whole-school improvement. She believes in engaging all stakeholders to achieve scalable, workable solutions for sustainable improvement. Dawn's focus is on leading a skills-based revolution prioritizing global citizenship, 21st century skills, and academic knowledge. She has trained over 10,000 students in metacognitive skills and encourages teachers to prioritize their own development. She has also contributed to the design of school buildings that positively impact learning environments. Dawn is leading grassroots educational reform. She is associated with Mount Abu Public School Delhi as an Academic Consultant.
Ms Lestyani Yuniarsih
-HEAD OF COOPERATION AFFAIRS SUB DIVISION MINISTRYMs Lestyani Yuniarsih is serving as Head of Cooperation Affairs Sub Division at the Ministry of Education & Culture, Indonesia. She has served as Education Attache at Embassy of Indonesia in New Delhi. She has supported Global Citizenship & Integration at Mount Abu Public School Delhi. She is now part of the Advisory Board of Mount Abu School Panipat.